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Life at School
& Academics

From a young age, I have been an avid student of maths.

I am glad that I was able to compete in math competitions and achieve the result of winning an award.

I feel proud of my accomplishments, and I'm grateful for the academic opportunities that I have been given after attending junior boarding school in the US.

Deerfield Math Competition

i won first place as a team in the Deerfield Math Competition.

For overall teams, my team won second place.

Student Council

I was elected as student council in grade 9.

As a student council, I provide guidance for other students and help out in school events. I am glad to be able to set a good example for my peers and upcoming freshmen.

This year, I gave a speech as the student representative at the Winter Carnival.

School Newspaper

I joined the school newspaper team in 8th grade.


I enjoy editing and sharing information with others. By organizing each article, I not only learn about each issue more deeply, but also serve the community.

Moving on, I want to grow more professional at writing.

This is a fun fact about me!


In 2019, I took the Korean Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children and I learned that I had an IQ of 155, which is in the top 0.1%.

The exam tests areas such as verbal comprehension, perception reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.

life at school
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